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TeamXD’s Third Bike Hike: Adventure Recap

What happens when 23 adventurous souls from the TeamXD community pile into cars and head to Chaguaramas for a bike ride? An unforgettable day of fun, laughter, and a few hilarious mishaps! Our third bike hike event was nothing short of epic, and we’re here to spill all the juicy details.

Gearing Up and Getting Ready

First things first, we assembled at Samaan Park where BikeHubtt provided us with our helmets and bikes. While we geared up, Evangeline and Thierry played paparazzi, capturing every pre-ride smile and grimace. Nathalia and Nia handled the accounting, making sure everyone paid up before hitting the trails.

Oh, and let’s not forget the impromptu interviews by Kess James. He hilariously grilled us with questions like, “Can you do a wheelie?” (spoiler: most of us can’t) and “Who will get bun first?” which led to a lot of finger-pointing and laughter.

Hitting the Trails in the Rain

Before we pedaled off, Kess gave a quick briefing, explaining the purpose of our community and setting the tone for the day. We split into the “fast team” and the “chill team,” each ready to tackle the trails at our own pace.

And then, the weather decided to have its own party. We expected the usual tropical sunshine, but instead, we got a full-on rainstorm. Thunder, lightning, the works. Some of us loved the cool rain, claiming it made the ride more memorable, while others struggled with sunblock in their eyes. Talk about a plot twist!

The fast team sped through two, maybe three laps, while the chill team took it easy with one lap. Midway through, we had our comedy duo, Laura and Matthew, demonstrating what getting “bun” really looks like. Laura decided her bike was the tired one and decided to walk, while Matthew, after valiantly trying to keep pace with the fast team, had to pause for a breather by the golf course. Classic!

Halfway through reading this? Perfect time to check out our photo album on Facebook! Evangeline and Thierry captured some truly memorable shots for you to check out.

The Refreshing Spring

One of the highlights was reaching the spring. At first, the rain made the water look a bit murky, but Ryan, our resident trendsetter, bravely jumped in. Soon, everyone was enjoying the natural, albeit chilly, waterfall. The water pressure was like a free massage, which was just what we needed after all that biking.

Wrapping Up An Awesome Day

As the rain eased, we headed back to Samaan Park to return our bikes. The ride downhill was exhilarating, with some choosing the road and others the track. The breeze, the speed, and even a few splashes from puddles made it a perfect end to an awesome day. There were a couple of minor crashes, but nothing serious – just enough to add to the day’s tales.

We wrapped up our adventure, changed into dry clothes, and headed back south, tired but happy. This third bike hike was a fresh, rain-soaked experience that highlighted the endless fun we have at Team XD events. Check us out on social media below for more about this exciting day and our future events!

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