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A Refreshing Adventure: Recap of Our Hike to Aripo Basins

Aripo Basins Hike Recap

On May 11th 2024, Team XD took a short but exciting hike to the Aripo Basins. It might have only been a fifteen-minute trail to this beautiful spot, but it was no walk in the park! We had a diverse group with us, from kids to retirees, each tackling the trail with their own mix of determination, exhaustion and humor.

The Pool Experience

The highlight of our hike was reaching the three natural pools. The biggest and deepest pool quickly became everyone’s favorite spot. Some of us even sat on the rocks the entire time there. Mind you, our time spent was an average of two hours! Despite having to alternate our life jackets among the non-swimmers, no incidents occurred and everyone ensured each others’ safety. Let’s not start about the group of persons who repeatedly jumped off the high rocks and into the cool water. Some of us had to face our fear of heights, taking a while to gather the courage to jump. Of course the rest of the team encouraged and cheered them on. In the end, everyone made the leap, each jump with many cheers and laughter.

No adventure is complete without a few hiccups, right? One of our hiccups were when two persons lost their glasses in the water. Despite our best efforts to find them, they were gone for good. So, if you see some fishes wearing specs, you’ll know why! We definitely learnt a new hiking tip from this experience.

Different Fitness Levels and Tips

Our group included fitness junkies and those whose main exercise is flipping TV channels. The steep uphill and downhill parts of the trail were tough for some of us. The screams and complaints on the way back, with the constant uphill, was a testament to the exciting “torture” that some endured! By the end, we all got a good leg workout. For our older team members, this part was most challenging. However, our tour guide, Spencer AKA the Knutcracker, and other team members made sure to attend to anyone who was having difficulties. This was greatly appreciated and was a moment that reflected what TeamXD stands for.

OUR TIP: If you have knee problems or mobility issues, it might be best to skip this hike. This trail can be quite challenging with such issues, however, more flat trails would be ideal.

The Aripo Basins hike was a perfect mix of beautiful nature, physical challenge, and personal triumphs. From jumping into the refreshing water to searching for lost items, it was a day to remember. If you’re looking for a short but fun adventure, give this hike a try. Just make sure to hold onto your glasses, prepare your legs and bring along your courage – you’ll need them all!

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